MUSC 110 - Intro to Notated Music

Hayden Hall, Room 105, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays 10:00-10:50
Class 38Friday, November 22

In class we did an analysis of the Coventry Carol, putting roman numerals on all the chords.

I also gave out our last worksheet #15 but I kind of encouraged people to wait on it. It's not due until Dec 5.

Worksheet #15: Roman Numerals in Minor

The last homework assignment asks you to make and recognize chord in minor keys. Remember that some of them (V and viio) are "special", requiring little tweaks to change them up. This is covered on p. 59 of our textbook.

This assignment is just due on the last day of class, Friday Dec 5.

Final Project

Our final project will be a short composition that you will perform during the last week of classes.

It is due some time Dec 3-6.

How may we do / For to preserve this day?