MUSC 320 - Advanced Theory

Hayden Hall, Room 105, Tuesdays and Fridays 2:00-3:15
Class 9Friday, February 14

In this session I gave out a study guide for our first quiz, and we went over some of the usual stuff (V7's, viio7's, some short analyses.)

I am still accepting Homework #5 and Homework #6 if you got 'em.

First Test, Friday 2/21

Our study guide details the five elements I'm going to be focusing on in our first test. Seventh-chords, the inversion symbols, new flowchart details, non-chord-tones, and progressions with V7 and viio7.

Catching Up With Tyshawn Sorey

As usual my title is dumb, this video is eight years old. It rules, though.