MUSC 320 - Advanced Theory

Hayden Hall, Room 105, Tuesdays and Fridays 2:00-3:15
Class 7Friday, February 07

In this session we got back into writing keyboard-style progressions, reviewing our basic techniques and then tackling V7-I's. We have a new chapter (pp. 22-28) in our textbook and a new worksheet to do.

Also I mentioned that I'm planning our first test on Friday, Feb 21.

Homework #5: Progressions with V7

Worksheet #5 asks you to make a handful of V7-I progressions using the techniques I show you in Chapter 4. You definitely want to look at brand-new pages 22-25 in the book to make sure you remember what to do.

This one is due on Tues, Feb 11, but I say in the fine print that I'll take it on Friday 2/14 as well.

Clarinet Break