MUSC 220 - Fundamentals of Music Theory

Hayden Hall, Room 105.
Tuesdays 12:30-1:45, Wednesdays 1:00-1:50, Fridays 12:30-1:45
Class 38Friday, November 22

I've got so much class news and I simply MUST blog about it. Let's start with the info for Tuesday's singing quiz.

Singing Quiz #2 is on Tues 11/26


The prep sheet tells you what to practice beforehand. Be aware that this is scheduled for the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. If you aren't going to be here, we'll have to do it the Friday before.

New Worksheets and Stuff

In class I taught the final new concepts of the semester, a few new "moves" that will allow you to make any basic progression. I gave out two new homeworks and two more extra credit sheets! Here is all the extra credit:

Extra Credit #1: Scales
Extra Credit #2: Circle of Fifths
Extra Credit #3: Triads
Extra Credit #4: Roman Numerals

Worksheet #15: Seventh Chords

On Worksheet #15 we'll practice making the five kinds of seventh chords we know about - major 7th, dominant, minor, half-diminished and fully-diminished. This stuff is covered on pp. 83-88 of our theory text.

This worksheet is due Tues, Dec 3.

Worksheet #16: Progressions Final Battle

The last worksheet asks you to make a few progressions that feature our new moves, the step-zone and double common-tone. Such matters are covered in pp. 72-76 in the textbook.

It is due Fri, Dec 6.

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