MUSC 220 - Fundamentals of Music Theory

Hayden Hall, Room 105.
Tuesdays 12:30-1:45, Wednesdays 1:00-1:50, Fridays 12:30-1:45
Class 40Tuesday, April 30

In this class I taught you the last new thing and we practiced a little analysis with our 6 and 6-4 symbols. Homework #17 was due today.

The Last New Thing: Double Common-Tone

All right, we've added one new twist to our progressions. Whenever the bass moves by a third or a sixth, we will take a double common-tone. This is covered on pp. 75-76 in our textbook.

There will be a progression with this kind of third action on the final.

Worksheet #17: Seventh Chords

The last worksheet of the semester asks you to make some seventh chords. This is covered on pp. 83-88 of our theory textbook.

This one is due today.

Almost Time to Cut Loose