MUSC 110 - Intro to Notated Music

Hayden Hall, Room 105, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays 10:00-10:50
Class 32Friday, November 08

On this date I gave out the study guide for next week's quiz, as well as the instructions for our final project. Homework #13 is in process.

Worksheet #13: Let's Just Do Some More Triads

Worksheet #13 is pretty much exactly like #12, it's just more triad practice. If you need a reference on how to make major, minor, and diminished triads you could consult pp. 43-48 in our theory text.

This one is due on Wed, Nov 13.

Theory Quiz #3 is Friday, Nov 15

The study guide explains exactly what will be on it (namely minor scales, major + minor key sigs, and triads).

Final Project

Our final project will be a short composition that you will perform during the last week of classes.

It is due some time Dec 3-6.

Dialing It In