MUSC 220 - Fundamentals of Music Theory

Hayden Hall, Room 105.
Tuesdays 12:30-1:45, Wednesdays 1:00-1:50, Fridays 12:30-1:45
Class 5Wednesday, September 04

This was one of our Wednesday "lab" days. We practiced our key signatures and some other stuff. No new homework but we've got a few things in process.

Homework #3: Piano Notes, Whole Steps, and Half Steps

This worksheet quizzes you about the notes on the piano, and it asks you to count out two small distances (half steps vs. whole steps).

Due date is Fri Sept 6.

Worksheet #4: More Rhythm Stuff + Scales

Worksheet #4 is some review and some new stuff. Remember that the rhythmic basics are all documented on pp. 6-10 of our textbook, and the scales are explained on pp. 26-27.

This worksheet is due on Tuesday, Sept 10.

Everybody's Always Down